Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Section 7: TSP command reference
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
Link accessible
; indicates whether or not the command can accessed through a
TSP-Link network.
Affected by
. Commands or actions that have a direct effect on the instrument command.
LAN restore defaults
This command has varied effects depending on how it is used. Reset actions include:
- Channel reset
- Status reset
- Digital I/O trigger reset
- Instrument reset
- Instrument reset
- Trigger blender reset
- LAN reset
- Trigger timer reset
- LAN restore defaults
- TSP-Link trigger reset
- Local node reset
Where saved
. Indicates where the command settings reside once they are used on an
instrument. Options include:
Create configuration script:
This command is saved as part of the configuration script if you
save the current configuration into a script with the
command or
the MENU - SCRIPT - CREATE-CONFIG option from the front panel.
Not saved:
Command is not saved anywhere and must be typed each time you use it.
Nonvolatile memory:
Storage area in the instrument where information is saved when the
instrument is turned off.
Saved setup
Default value:
Lists the default value or constant for the command. The parameter values are
defined in the Usage or Details sections of the command description.
Command usage
The Usage section of the remote command listing shows how to properly structure the command.
Each line in the Usage section is a separate variation of the command usage. All possible command
usage options are shown.
Figure 92: TSP usage description