Operating ln$truction$-Type 310A
trigger signal reaches a DC voltage level selected by the
setting o f the TRIG LEVEL control. When using the inter
nal trigger source, the setting o f the V E R TIC A L POSITION
control affects the DC triggering point.
Trigger Slope
The TRIGGER switch selects the triggering slope as well
as the source. Each source selected by the TRIGGER
switch provides both + and — slope selection. When the
TRIGGER switch is in a + (positive-going) position, the
trigger circuits respond to the positive-going portion o f the
triggering waveform; in a — (negative-going) position, the
trigger circuits respond to the negative-going portion o f the
triggering waveform (see Fig. 2-6). Since this instrument
does not have an internal delay line, the display may not
start-on the selected slope, particularly when the displayed
waveform has a high repetition rate. When several cycles of
a signal appear in the display, the triggering slope is often
unimportant. However, if only a certain portion o f a cycle
is to be displayed, correct setting of the TRIGGER switch
is im portant to provide a display of the desired portion of
the input signal.
Stability Control
The S T A B ILIT Y control determines whether the time-
base generator is free-running, triggerable, or not trigger-
able when the Trigger Coupling-Mode switch is set to AC or
DC. When the S T A B ILIT Y control is set fu lly clockwise,
the time-base generator is free-running at a repetition rate
determined by the setting o f the T IM E /D IV switch. As the
S T A B ILIT Y control is turned counterclockwise, the free-
running condition ends when the control is near midrange
(TRIG LEVEL control set fu lly clockwise). A t this setting
o f the S T A B ILIT Y control, a triggered display can be ob
tained w ith the TRIG LEVEL control (adequate trigger sig
nal applied). In the fu lly counterclockwise position (not in
PRESET detent), the time-base generator is inoperable and
cannot be triggered. The PRESET position automatically
sets the time-base generator fo r triggerable operation w ith
most trigger signals. In this position, only the TRIG LEVEL
control needs to be adjusted to obtain a stable display. The
S T A B ILIT Y control is inoperable in the AUTO position of
the Trigger Coupling-Mode switch.
Trigger Preset Adjustment
The PRESET ADJUST is normally adjusted during in
strument calibration (see Calibration section) and should
not need readjustment during normal use. However, the
follow ing procedure can be used to set the PRESET A D
JUST if the Type 31OA cannot be triggered correctly. Be
fore readjusting the PRESET ADJUST, be sure the trig
gering controls are correctly set and the applied trigger
signal is w ithin the required limits.
1. Set the T IM E /D IV switch to 1 MSEC.
2. Set the Trigger Coupling-Mode switch to AUTO.
3. Turn the PRESET ADJUST fu lly counterclockwise.
4. Slowly turn the PRESET ADJUST clockwise until
the trace first appears. Note the position of the PRESET
5. Continue to slowly turn the PRESET ADJUST clock
wise until the trace brightens. Again note the position of
6. Set the PRESET ADJUST halfway between the point
where the trace first appeared in part 4 and where the trace
brightened in part 5.
Trigger Level
The TRIG LEVEL control determines the voltage level
on the triggering waveform at which the sweep is triggered
(Trigger Coupling-Mode switch set to AC or DC). When the
TRIG LEVEL control is set in the + region, the trigger
circuit responds at a more positive point on the trigger
signal. In the — region, the trigger circuit responds at a
more negative point on the trigger signal. Fig. 2-6 illustrates
this effect w ith different settings of the TRIGGER switch.
The TRIG LEVEL control is inoperative in the AUTO posi
tion o f the Trigger Coupling- Mode switch.
To set the TRIG LEVEL control, first select the trigger
source, slope and coupling. Then set the S T A B ILIT Y con
trol to the PRESET position. Now, rotate the TRIG
LEVEL control fu lly counterclockwise and slowly turn it
back clockwise until a stable display appears. Further rota
tion in the clockwise direction causes the sweep to trigger
at a more positive point on the triggering waveform. If a
stable display cannot be obtained in this manner w ith the
S T A B IL IT Y control set to the PRESET position, use the
follow ing procedure; (be sure an adequate trigger signal is
1. Set the TRIG LEVEL control fu lly clockwise.
2. Set the S T A B ILIT Y control fu lly clockwise and then
rotate it counterclockwise until the free-running display
just disapppears.
3. Rotate the TRIG LEVEL control counterclockwise
until a stable display is obtained.
Trigger Mode
The Trigger Coupling-Mode switch (concentric w ith the
TRIGGER switch) selects the operating mode of the trig
gering circuits. When this switch is in the AC or DC posi
tions, the trigger circuits operate in the normal triggering
mode. The TRIG LEVEL and S T A B ILIT Y controls must
be adjusted to obtain a stable display. When a trigger signal
is not present, there is no display. Use the normal triggering
mode to display signals w ith repetition rates below about
60 hertz, or when it is desired to select the triggering point
on the displayed waveform. This mode provides an indica
tion of an adequate trigger signal as well as the correctness
of trigger control settings, since there is no display w itho ut
correct triggering. For information on selecting the trigger
Содержание 310A
Страница 3: ...Type 310A ...
Страница 8: ...NOTES ...
Страница 10: ...Operating Instructions Type 310A 2 2 Fifl 2 2 Front and rear panel controls and connectors ...
Страница 16: ...rsj 60 T Y P E 3 1 0 A T E S T S E T U P C H A R T Fig 2 3 Operating Instructions Type 310A ...
Страница 28: ...NOTES ...
Страница 41: ...Circuit Description Type 310A SW 600 POWER I 3 13 Fig 3 8 LV Power Supply detailed block diagram ...
Страница 44: ...NOTES ...
Страница 88: ...SECTION 7 M ECHANICAL PARTS LIST Type 310A ...
Страница 98: ...Mechanical Parts List Type 310A POWER CHASSIS 7 1 0 ...
Страница 102: ...Mechanical Parts List Type 310A VERTICAL AMPLIFIER CHASSIS 7 1 4 ...
Страница 106: ...Mechanical Parts List Type 310A REAR 7 1 8 ...
Страница 112: ...S Q U A R E W A V E C A LIB R A TO R CAL OUT V50I V52Q T Y P E 3 I O A O S C I L L O S C O P E ...
Страница 113: ...V 8 59 B L O C K D I A G R A M ...
Страница 116: ...0 ...
Страница 118: ...I 1 SW 75A SW 75B r 5W 75C f T il TO CATH PIN J VI60A SWEEP GEN C F SWEEP TYPE 3 0A OSCILLOSCOPE sw ...
Страница 119: ... 1 TIM E DIV 1 SW 75C SWI75D I t ...
Страница 122: ...I 1 1 1 1 1 V0LTS 3W 30SA 3W 30SB 3W 305C 3W 305D 3W303C 3 W 3 0 5 F T Y P E 3 0A O SC ILLO SCO PE ...
Страница 129: ... CRT CIRCUIT C IR C U IT NUMBfcRS 7 0 0 THRU 7 6 0 ...