1 Allée du développement
42350 La Talaudière (France)
Tel : +33 (0) 4 77 22 25 91
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V : SJ
Le : 20/06/17 R : DD
Stylus sharpening
The stylus is a wearing part of the Technomark machine.
Repetitive markings (especially on hard materials) will blunt the pin. So the quality of the impact dots
(circularity, depth) is decreasing with time;
Alternatively, a lateral shock on hard material can nick the tip and produce a bad quality marking.
All styluses supplied with your Technomark machine (standard or optional) are made of one piece
carbide tungsten. So a sharpening operation is possible, as long you use an appropriate grind.
Tip angles:
The standard styluses are sharpened with a 90° tip. This angle is the best for optimised marking
quality/life time. Nevertheless we offer different sharpening angles for specific applications: (60°,
120°, Aeronautic with a 0,2mm round tip).
Check first the sharpening angle of your stylus before starting any sharpening operation.
The stylus can turn freely inside its guide. So a non-concentric sharpening will always result in
bad quality marking.
Return spring
The spring is a wearing part of the Technomark machine
The action of the spring is essential in the marking quality. A “lazy” spring will not allow the stylus to
come back up fast enough, and the dots could be weak, or not regularly spaced. If you get this
problem, change the spring.
Proceed in the same manner than for a lubrication operation to disassemble the stylus assembly.
The life time of the spring depends on the stylus position, the vibration frequency and the operation
temperature of the stylus assembly.
Free length of the spring: 53.5 mm.
It is admitted that the spring should be considered as “tired” when its length is less than 51 mm