Modèle du 29/10/2015
3 Allée Michaël FARADAY
Parc d’activités STELYTEC
42400 SAINT-CHAMOND (France)
Tel : +33 (0) 4 77 22 25 91
Fax : + 33 (0) 4 77 22 38 93
E-mail : [email protected]
File Open: opening a file using input binary combination of inputs having this function. Files
that may be open with this function have to be called IO‐xxx where xxx corresponds to the
binary combination of related inputs.
The value of each input with this function is defined by the order in which it appears. The
first value is set to 1, the second is set to 2, the third is set to 4, the fourth is set to 8…
To open the file IO‐003, you need to activate the first and the second input with the
If the inputs 5, 8 and 10 are set with this function, you have to activated input 5 and 8 and
disable the input 10 to open the file IO‐003.
If the combination doesn’t correspond to any file of the controller, the current file will be
ZInline home: ZInline return to the home position – works with impulsive mode.
ZInline mark: ZInline return to the mark position – works with impulsive mode.
Clear file : create a new marking file – works with impulsive mode
Test: start a marking test – works with impulsive mode.
Back to origin: return to the origin – works with impulsive mode.
Output functions :
None: no function associated.
Ready: the machine is ready to start a marking.
Marking : a marking is in progress
Fault : Fault on the machine
Pause : the machine is paused
Marking end : the marking is over, the machine go to its origin or its parking point (8.8
Origin: The machine is in its origin position.
Maintenance: revision – a machine revision is needed (see M4 inline maintenance guide).
Maintenance: lubrication – stylus lubrication is needed (see M4 inline maintenance guide).
License fault: a license is missing for the wanted marking (8.7 Licenses).
Line output: activation of an output for a marking file (5.4.4 Add an output change).
IDI height : the measured height is out of bounds(5.5 General marking settings)
Wear : stylus wear, it has to be changed
Empty variable: empty and forced variable (5.3.2 Add a variable)
Empty file : the file is empty
Input copy: copy the input state on the output. The input number has to be given in the field
Use the button
to confirm your modification or
to cancel them.