Modèle du 29/10/2015
3 Allée Michaël FARADAY
Parc d’activités STELYTEC
42400 SAINT-CHAMOND (France)
Tel : +33 (0) 4 77 22 25 91
Fax : + 33 (0) 4 77 22 38 93
E-mail : [email protected]
Use the navigation arrows to move in the table. Going down in an empty line automatically add a new one.
Inputs are made by an external keyboard.
Here are the different columns:
Line: number of the line.
You can’t change this field.
: marking line text and functions.
Text inputs are done by an external keyboard. When you are in this field, the whole text is select and adding
a character will replace the entire current text.
To move in the field text with right and left arrows, press the insert key of your keyboard and once more to
go out again. Using the arrows allows to deselect the whole text and to move the insertion cursor.
X and Y
: Show positions of the starting line point with the chosen unit (mm or inches).
show the height of the line with the chosen unit (mm or inches)
The minimum value is 0.4mm and the maximum is 200mm.
Show marking from 1 to 6 (see Marking depth)
Gives the dot matrix chosen from 1 to 7 (see Dot matrix)
Gives the character font : 1 for the font OCR, 2 for the font OCR‐A
Gives the angle of the line in degrees.
The angle value varies from 0 to 360°
Gives the diameter used for a circular marking with the chosen unit (mm or inches)
If the diameter value is positive, the bottom of the characters is aligned on the circle. If this value is negative,
then the top of the characters is aligned on the circle.