2. General Description
IFU for Infinite 200 PRO No. 30052730 Rev. No. 1.6
Luminescence System
The Infinite 200 PRO Luminescence System consists of the following parts:
Luminescence Optics
Detection Unit (Basic or Standard PMT)
Figure 15: Optical System Luminescence
The luminescence fiber bundle guides the light from the sample to the detection
unit (PMT) passing through a filter wheel. The photon counting PMT
(photomultiplier tube) is designed for applications in chemo- and bioluminescence
providing a high dynamic range. The exceptionally low noise and high sensitivity
allows the detection of very low light levels.
The z-position of the luminescence fiber bundle fixed onto the optics carrier is
adjusted automatically by the software and depends on the selected plate
definition file. As light is refracted at the sample liquid surface, z-adjustment helps
to maximize signal to noise and minimize cross-talk.