Set the Connection Mode to LCC by Menu > [6] Networks > [1] Current Network > [3]
Connect Mode > LCC.
Problem: there is no menu item called “Roster Settings” in the Settings menu on the UWT throttle.
No locomotive is selected.
Select a locomotive first to adjust its Roster Settings. In dual throttle mode on the UWT-100,
it is always the left-hand throttle that is used for Roster Settings. When controlling a consist,
the current cab is used for Roster Settings.
Problem: the UWT throttle says “WiThr Server not found”
The throttle is set to operate in WiThrottle Protocol mode. To use a UWT with the CS-105,
the LCC mode should be selected.
In the menu shown, scroll down to [5] Change LCC/WT Mode and select LCC.
Problem: the UWT throttle says “LCC Server not found”
Check the WiFi LED.
The WiFi LED is off.
The CS-105 is in Access Point Mode, and your throttle is connected to the wrong WiFi
network (not the CS-105).
Select [6] Open Network Menu > [2] Saved Networks. Pick the network name that the
CS-105 broadcasts (default LAYOUTWIFI). Select [2] Connect Now.
If you intend to use the CS-105 in WiFi Client mode with an external WiFi router, then you
need to switch the CS-105 into WiFi Client mode. See the
on how to do that.
The WiFi LED is blinking.
The CS-105 is in WiFi Client mode, but not connected to your WiFi network.
Ensure that you correctly configured the WiFi network name and password for your desired
WiFi. See the
This error might also happen if the WiFi signal strength is too low at the location of the
CS-105. Move your UWT to be near the CS-105, and read the signal strength on the display.
If you can see at least two bars, this is certainly not an issue; with one bar the CS-105 would
still likely work correctly.
The WiFi LED is on.
The CS-105 is in WiFi Client mode, and correctly connected to your WiFi network.
Verify that the UWT throttle is connected to the same WiFi network as the CS-105 is
configured to connect to.
It is possible that the auto-detection of the command station does not work on your WiFi
network. Press Try Again a few times to re-try. If it does not work, then you may need to
manually set the IP address of the CS-105 on the throttle. Refer to the
section to determine the IP address of your CS-105. On the
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