To search for and download a firmware file for your product,
After downloading, it is recommended that you copy or move the firmware file into a safe place that is
easy to find, and not your downloads folder.
To reduce the possibility of mistakes and confusion, we
ensuring that you connect only the
TCS device you are planning to update to the device performing the update. It is recommended, but not
necessary, that you also shut down any active JMRI WiThrottle servers.
1. Use the instructions under
7.4.1 Web Server Based Configuration
to open the CS-105’s builtin
2. Use the instructions under
9 Updating the Software Version
to switch the device to bootloader
mode. There will be a brief disruption to the CS-105’s WiFi connection.
3. If you are using Access Point mode, ensure that your device is still connected to the CS-105’s WiFi.
4. Press Reload in your web browser window showing the CS-105 web page. A new menu item
“Firmware Update” will appear:
5. Click the "Firmware Update" tab at the top. It will take a few seconds to load the new page, which
looks like this:
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