Review the
section of this manual to understand how to operate the
MU Switch.
Go to Menu > Settings > Roster Settings > F0 > MU Switch and set it to Solo Unit.
Directional headlight is set for that locomotive.
Press F0 again after changing direction. to turn on the headlight in the other direction.
Review the
section of this manual to understand how to operate a
directional headlight.
Go to Menu > Settings > Roster Settings > F0 > Directional and set it to disabled.
Wiring or decoder setup problem in that locomotive.
Verify the wiring and the decoder setup in the locomotive. Try factory reset on the decoder.
10.2 WiFi Performance
While WiFi as a wireless standard is fairly resilient, There are a number of steps that can be taken to
maximize the overall performance. A general rule for the best performance is to mount the stationary
equipment as high as reasonably possible with a clear line of sight between the wireless base station
(CS-105 or external WiFi Access Point or Router) and any wireless accessories such as throttles. Try to
stay clear of metal objects such as ductwork.
10.2.1 No External WiFi Access Point or Router Used
The built-in WiFi antenna is optimized for its compactness within the CS-105 enclosure. The distance and
placement between the CS-105 and other connected WiFi accessories (throttles) is more critical in this
mode. Experimenting with the location and orientation of the CS-105 may be required to maximize
10.2.2 External WiFi Access Point or Router used
In this mode, the best performance can be achieved with WiFi routers that have two or more antennas. This
is called antenna diversity, and it provides multiple redundant and diverse paths for the wireless signal.
Experiment with the antenna orientation to achieve the best performance. Typically the best performance
will be achieved by orienting each antenna differently (90
or 45
apart). Do not orient an antenna directly
towards the CS-105 or yourself, because the WiFi signal is
emitted towards the direction where the
antenna is pointing to, but rather perpendicular from the tip of the antenna. Vertical antenna orientation is
usually a good starting point.
10.2.3 Mesh WiFi
In recent years, WiFi mesh network solutions have become more prevalent. The CS-105 intentionally uses
2.4GHz WiFi to achieve maximum range. The vast majority of model railroad layouts do not require more
than one WiFi Access Point. The best performance is typically achieved with a single WiFi Access Point
centrally located.
The CS-105 and the UWT throttles provide fast and reliable train control with as little as one to two bars of
WiFi signal strength. A switch to a different Access Point or Mesh Point is necessary only when the signal
strength occasionally falls to zero bars. For this reason, UWT throttles very rarely jump between Mesh
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