throttle, select [2] Set IP address. Enter the IP address (usually the first three numbers are
pre-filled for you and you only need to enter the last number) and press Save. Before you go
through this process, it is helpful to set the CS-105 to a fixed IP address in the administrative
interface of your WiFi router.
The WiFi Full LED is on.
There are too many WiFi throttles connected to the CS-105.
You need an LCC hub / repeater to connect more than 10 WiFi throttles in WiFi Client mode.
JMRI comes with such a software, and it can be activated via the LCC menu > Start Hub.
You may need to use [2] Set IP Address on the throttle to fix it to your JMRI computer’s IP
Problem: cannot select any locomotive (error 1030).
This problem generally means that the throttle is connected to the LCC network, but the CS-105 command
station is not.
Select Menu > [8] Settings > [2] DCC System Settings. If you get a message “No DCC
System found”, then you can be certain that the throttle is unable to talk to the CS-105 via
the LCC network. (If this menu is not there, see above for “there is no menu item called DCC
System Settings”.)
All LEDs are off.
There is no power input on the CS-105.
Verify that the power supply is correctly plugged in.
The Track LED and the WiFi Full/Error LED are rapidly blinking in an alternating fashion.
The CS-105 is in bootloader mode.
Make sure that there is no object accidentally pressing the pushbutton on the CS-105.
Remove all objects from the front and back of the CS in 2” distance for safety reasons.
To exit bootloader mode, remove the power from the CS-105, wait two seconds for all lights
to go out, then plug in power again.
If the alternate blinking resumes after power cycling the device, then the software upgrade of
the CS-105 has failed and there is no operational software present. You need to download
and apply a correct software update. See the
General LCC connectivity troubleshooting.
Go through the steps above for the Problem: the UWT throttle says “LCC Server not found”.
If you are using JMRI, open the LCC menu > Configure Nodes. Press the Refresh button on
the bottom of the screen. You should be seeing
the CS-105 and the UWT throttle in the
If the UWT throttle is missing, then likely your throttle is connected to the wrong WiFi
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