Display Functions
Upper Limit / Lower Limit
If Upper and/or Lower Limits have been set in the Remote Units, these limits will be
shown using thick dotted lines.
Measurement at Cursor Position
The corresponding measurement value is displayed for the date and time where the
cursor is positioned.
Temperature: °C , °F
Humidity: %RH
Illuminance: lx, klx
UV Intensity : mW/cm
Data Range Check and Judgement
The RTR-500DC will check if data has exceeded a set Upper or Lower
Limit, and the judgement result will be displayed at the top left for the
first 5 seconds after opening the graph.
Display Example of Judgement Results
Icons for the Judgement Results
Starting from CH1, the results will be displayed in rotation.
No measurements were over the set limits.
One or more measurements exceeded the Upper Limit.
One or more measurements exceeded the Lower Limit.
(Upward and
Downward Arrow)
Measurements exceeded both the Upper and Lower Limits.
Upper and Lower Limit Settings were not made.