TANDBERG IBM Lotus Notes/Domino v 11.3 - Installation & getting started guide
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Server operating system
Windows 2000 Server SP3 with Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
Windows 2003 Server with Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
Windows 2008 Server with Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
Domino server
Domino Server running version v6.5.1, v6.5.1IF1, v6.5.2, v7.0, v8.0, v8.0.1 or v8.5.x
Completing the installation requires:
Access to Lotus Notes, Administrator, and Designer clients.
Ability to copy and move files to the Domino Server.
Access to the Domino Server to modify local files.
An account with full Administrator Access on the Domino Server.
An account with permissions to create and edit users, create and sign databases, and the ability
to edit the Server Configuration Document.
Supported clients
Tested on TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration version 11.2:
Notes client v6.5.1
Notes client v6.5.3
Tested on TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration version 11.3:
Notes client v7.0
Notes client v8.0 and v8.0.1
Notes client v8.5
Other minor versions within these major versions of Notes and Domino may be compatible, but the
versions above are the versions tested for compatibility by TANDBERG.
TMS requirements
The TANDBERG Domino/Lotus Notes integration package requires a separate TANDBERG
Management Suite server running TMS v11.5 or later for full functionality. The integration package will
work with TANDBERG Management Suite from version 9.0, but for repeating meetings to work, TMS
v11.5 or later is required.
Before installing the TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration package, you must add the
Application Integration Package option key. Contact your TANDBERG reseller to purchase this option
key. For documentation about how to install license keys in TMS, see the
Support > Documentation
section of