Frequently asked questions about booking using the Lotus integration package
TANDBERG IBM Lotus Notes/Domino v 11.3 - Installation & getting started guide
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Frequently asked questions about booking
using the Lotus integration package
: Why do I get multiple meeting requests when I book a meeting?
: Lotus sends a separate meeting request for each room selected for the meeting. You will
receive an email for each request, acceptance, or denial for each room selected in the meeting
: Do I need to keep the meeting request emails?
: No, the request, accept, and reject emails are not required in order for the meeting to run
and do not include any additional information beyond that in your calendar entry. TMS will send a
separate email with call routing information for your meeting.
: My meeting was rejected by the rooms, but is still in my calendar. Why?
: The Lotus integration package does not touch your personal calendar. If a meeting you book
is denied, your calendar document still exists. You should update your calendar appropriately if a
meeting is rejected.
: How long do I have to wait before I receive accept/reject emails for my reservation?
: The delay before receiving the response to your requests is dependent on your specific
Lotus installation because all requests in Lotus are handled via email and are handled
asynchronously. As such, there are delays and timers built into Lotus before the requests are received
by the server and returned to you. Typically, on a default Lotus installation, you receive replies within
1-3 minutes.
: I booked my meeting in Lotus Notes, but it is not showing up in TMS under My Meetings.
: If you received the meeting accept emails, the meeting has been booked in TMS. The
meeting is booked in TMS under the integration user, not under your username. By default, normal
users can
not see another user’s bookings in TMS. However, if you are an administrator or a user with
appropriate permissions, you will see your meeting in TMS booked by the Integration user.
: Can I book a meeting in TMS and have it show up in Lotus Notes?
: Yes, but Lotus Notes users are encouraged to use the Lotus Notes Calendar to book
meetings when using the Lotus Integration package. Meetings booked in TMS will automatically
propagate to Lotus Notes after the Scheduled Synchronizer Agent has run. However, the meeting will
only be in the Reservation Database Calendar, not in your own Calendar. You have to accept the
booking confirmation email to add the event to your Calendar, or create a Calendar entry manually.
: Using Lotus Notes can I edit my meeting that was booked using Lotus Notes in TMS?
: Yes, if you have permission to modify another user’s bookings, you can edit the meeting
booked in TMS and the Resource Database Calendars in Lotus Notes after the Scheduled
Synchronizer Agent has run. However, the meeting will only be in the Resource Database Calendars,
not your own Calendar. You must use the iCalendar attachment in your booking confirmation email to
add the event to your Calendar, or create an entry manually.
: Can I book a recurring meeting from my Lotus Notes client using TMS integrated rooms?
: Yes, booking recurring meetings is supported with the Lotus Integration package. All
recurring patterns in Lotus Notes are supported.
: Can I use the TMS Phone books when booking from my Lotus Notes Calendar?