TANDBERG IBM Lotus Notes/Domino v 11.3 - Installation & getting started guide
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8. Save and close the Scheduled Synchronizer Agent.
9. Close the database and Domino Designer.
Configuring the TMS settings of the Resource Database
1. Open Domino Administrator using a server administrator ID.
2. Open the resource reservation database that you created in the previous steps by going to
File >
Application > Open
and select the server on which the database was created. Then select the
database as you named it in the notes.ini
file (default name: ―Video Conference Resources‖), and
3. Go to
File > Application > Access Control
to open the Access Control List window.
4. Select the current user ID from the list, and select the
Create Resource
check boxes
to add the current user ID to these roles for the database (see Figure 15: Checking the
Create Resource
check boxes).
Optionally, you can add additional users to these roles to enable those users to be able to modify
the configuration document and add additional resources. Adding additional user roles can also
be done post-installation.
In some installations, one or both of the check boxes might be missing. See the APPENDIX C -
Troubleshooting chapter of this document for more information.
Figure 15: Checking the
Create Resource
check boxes
5. Close the database and re-open it. You now see a
TMS Admin
choice on the left side of the
6. Open the TMS Admin document to configure the integration settings.