Daily Inspections
Inspection item
Inspection method
If the inspection results show defects:
The following inspections should be carried out every day to use the product safely for a long period of time.
Daily Check (Before the day)
Check before operating the product:
Check while the product is in operation.
There is a possibility of electrical shock or burn
injuries due to fire or electrical leakage. Since
some parts must be replaced, immediately stop
using the product, turn off the power switch,
disconnect the power plug, and immediately
contact the nearest dealer or Takara Belmont
Restrictions in bringing out the expected
functions of the product may result in accidents
(injuries including burns). Immediately contact
the nearest dealer or Takara Belmont directly.
It may cause skin damage if the damaged
spatula is used. If the spatula is damaged,
immediately stop using it and contact the nearest
dealer or Takara Belmont directly.
If the bent or curved spatula is used, the
efficient result may not be achieved due to the
improper vibration etc. Immediately contact the
nearest dealer or Takara Belmont directly.
If the cap is in contact with the spatula
even if only slightly, it does not work
If those parts are left with dirt or moisture, it may
degrade the vibration power and it may not have
an effective results of the product.
Immediately contact the nearest dealer or Takara
Belmont directly.
If the damaged product is used, it may cause
accident such as damage to the client’s skin etc..
If the head is damaged, immediately stop using it
and contact the nearest dealer or Takara Belmont
If the deformed product is used, effective results
may not be achieved.
Immediately contact the nearest dealer or
Takara Belmont directly.
If those parts are left with dirt or moisture, it may
degrade the vibration power and it may not have
an effective results of the product.
Immediately contact the nearest dealer or Takara
Belmont directly.
Daily Check (End of the day)
Inspection item
Inspection method
If the inspection results show defects: