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© Tait Electronics Limited 21 December 2005
Figure 5
Combined PSTN and direct connections
Cables 1, 2, 3 & 4
straight through
(not null modem) RS-232 cable
Cable 5
null modem
RS-232 cable
Cable 6
APS power cable, either AC mains or –48VDC, depending on the model chosen
Cable 7
modem power cable, usually AC mains
Cable 8
Telco connection, usually RJ12 (also called RJ11 in some countries)
The illustration above shows base stations with TaitNet RS-232 system interface
boards, but front or rear connection can be used.
If possible, the PC should be connected to a spare APS port so that normal dial-in
and dial-out is not disrupted. If there is no spare port available, any port can be
used, but some disruption may then possibly occur.
Dial-up Modem
APS Power
Modem Power
Cable 1
Cable 2
Cable 4
Cable 6
Cable 7
Cable 8
Cable 3
Service Kit
Cable 5
Dual channel
Single channel