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© Tait Electronics Limited 21 December 2005
rate, you must select the same rate for the Alarm Center connection
(Configure > Alarm Center > Port Settings > Baud rate; refer to
“Configuring the Base Station to Dial Out to an Alarm Center” on
page 11
After you have set the switches, you must validate the set-up as
a. Simultaneously press the SET and CLEAR buttons on the front of
the APS.
b. Release the CLEAR button, wait for the port ACTIVITY LEDs
to flash, then release the SET button.
Configuring the Ports
Connect a PC running a terminal program (HyperTerminal, ProComm,
TerraTerm or similar) to any unused port on the APS, using a null modem
Refer to the APS User’s Guide for a detailed explanation of all the
command codes. The commands shown in the following section
are in upper case for clarity, however you can use lower case if you
Configuration for
all Ports
Enter Command Mode using the [Enter] key.
Type the following commands:
/CP [Enter]
copies port parameters
7 [Enter] 1 [Enter]
sets all ports to Any-to-Any mode
9 [Enter] x [Enter]
where x sets the logoff character
Note that this must be the same character you
chose in the Service Kit procedures described
(L in the
examples shown). It must also be different
from the character used to take the modem
out of data mode, which is usually “+”, but
can be changed by the user. You can also
choose control characters, which are shown by
a preceding ^ (carat).
10 [Enter] 1 [Enter]
sets the disconnect sequence to 3 consecutive
logoff characters, instead of just 1
Note that this is
to avoid the
possibility of random logoffs.
11 [Enter] 6 [Enter]
enables the timeout to 1 minute
12 [Enter] 3 [Enter]
sets the response type to Terse
13 [Enter] 1 [Enter]
disables the command echo
copies to all ports
Y [Enter]
answers the question “Are you sure (y/n)?”
/W [Enter]
displays port parameters