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© Tait Electronics Limited 21 December 2005
Figure 3
PSTN connection to base stations with a TaitNet RS-232 system interface board
Cables 1, 2, 3 & 4
straight through
(not null modem) RS-232 cable
Cable 5
APS power cable, either AC mains or –48VDC, depending on the model chosen
Cable 6
modem power cable, usually AC mains
Cable 7
Telco connection, usually RJ12 (also called RJ11 in some countries)
The TaitNet RS-232 system interface board is
if you want remote
diagnostics to both channels in dual channel subracks. It is optional for single
channel subracks.
Connections to the TaitNet RS-232 system interface board are on the rear panel of
the reciter.
Front or rear panel connections to single channel subracks can be mixed with rear
panel connections to dual channel subracks, in any combination, on a single APS.
The TaitNet RS-232 system interface board can be installed by the user, with care
(refer to the TB8100 Service Manual). The reciter firmware will automatically
detect the system interface board type, and route the RS-232 signals appropriately.
If the TaitNet RS-232 system interface board is fitted, the control panel does not
shut down in Power Saving modes, resulting in a small compromise in power
saving effectiveness.
Dial-up Modem
APS Power
Modem Power
Cable 1
Cable 2
Cable 4
Cable 5
Cable 6
Cable 7
Cable 3
Dual channel
Single channel