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© Tait Electronics Limited 21 December 2005
Configuration for a
Modem Port
(if a modem is used)
We recommend that you configure the port to which the modem is
connected as a modem port. This will ensure that the modem is re-
configured after a power outage, and prevent it from using the wrong serial
baud rate.
Type the following commands:
/Pn [Enter]
sets RS-232 parameters
where n is the number of the port to which
the modem is connected, usually the highest
numbered port
Verify that the timeout has been set correctly
to 1 minute. If not, type 11 [Enter] 6 [Enter].
7 [Enter] 4 [Enter]
configures the port as a modem port
71 [Enter] AT [Enter]
sets the reset string to AT
72 [Enter] AT [Enter]
sets the initialisation string to AT
This is just to ensure that no unwanted
commands are issued to the modem.
73 [Enter] +++~~ATH0
ensures that modem hangs up after a timeout
Note that the double ~ (tilde) puts a 2s delay
b++ and ATH0, allowing the modem
to enter command mode.
/X [Enter]
exits Command mode