Ballot alternative
. If selected Nominative, the delegate list and the
voting results shall be saved into the database after the voting.
Control: includes
operator control
, and
predefined vote time
, involving who controls start/end
of a voting. If predefined vote time is chosen, the duration of the voting shall be specified.
Key-press: includes first key-press valid and last key-press valid.
Voting weight: voting weight can be set for nominative voting.
Import topic
Click “Import” button and the import topic interface is shown as in the following figure. This
interface enables the user to import topics from a text file.
Figure: Import topic interface
Browse: click the
button to select the text file;
Line Separator: in above interface, each text line is one topic. The Line separator is used to
separate lines for each topic;
Voting Options: configure voting options such as voting mode;
Import: import topics from list into database;
Return: return to proposal information interface;