4.2 Venue Designer
Venue designer: the venue designer is the reproduction of the actual layout of the conference
venue in the form of a conference venue file (CVF). Its extended filename is .trm. The facilities
such as seat arrangement (i.e. both arrange seat and Unit Arrangement), entrance sign-in (access
control), seat sign-in, and microphone control shall use the conference venue file to perform
normal operation. The venue designer has two versions:
normal edition
advanced edition
; both
can carry out venue design; the advanced edition provides all capabilities of the normal edition plus
additional powerful and convenient functions. It is especially suitable for the design of large/
medium conference venues.
4.2.1 Venue Designer (Normal Edition)
The initial interface of the venue designer (Normal edition) is as in the figure below:
The functional buttons on the toolbar are:
New: create a new CVF (conference venue file);
Open: open an existing CVF;
Save: save CVF;
Save as: save current CVF as another;
Save as image: save current CVF as an image file;
Print: print the conference venue image;
Configuration: reconfigure the current CVF;
Advanced: switch to advanced edition;
Exit: exit venue designer.