TTPM3 Printer/Encoder–Technical Manual
Text attributes
TTPM3 does not handle word processor-like text attributes. You can reverse text, and
you can make bold text according to the procedure described below. Bold and reversed
cannot be combined.
5.1.1 Printing
Bold text
Bold text is created by repeating the text you want bold, but with new coordinates:
!F T E 370 087 10 02 01 1 "This text is normal"
!F T E 309 087 10 02 01 1 "This text is bold"
!F T E 309 088 10 02 01 1 "This text is bold"
You can increase the "boldness" by changing the coordinates more than one pixel, or by
repeating the text more times with a shift also in the vertical direction.
5.1.2 Reversed
If an R character is appended to the font selection digit (no space between), the text is
!F T E 100 110 1 02 02 1R "Reversed text"
!F T E 200 110 1 02 02 1 "Normal text"
NOTE 1! –
Only print single words in reverse. Reversing a complete line may reset
the printer due to the high current consumption when printing all black.
NOTE 2! –
Reversed text work with fonts 1, 2, and 4.