TTPM3 Printer/Encoder–Technical Manual
read and placed in memory when loading the ticket from the front load option. !D will read
track two data from memory without having to move the ticket.
The single ticket loading process will retract the fanfold ticket stock in the lower document
entry to a standby position, and position the single ticket in the active position of the
upper entry.
The subsequent command string automatically processes the operation on the single-
ticket form.
3.6.3 Read and decode
The following read (and decode) commands apply for the single ticket in active position:
Reads and decodes all three tracks and sends the data separated by CR LF.
Read and decode the track indicated by the digit. With front load option, track 2
(or center track) is read and the data stored in memory when the ticket is entered
through the front entry.
only reads the data from memory without moving the
The read string is decoded and scanned for an end character (?). If found, the
string is sent to the host computer in ASCII format. The start character is not
included, but the stop character (?) and the checksum are transmitted. If no
number is found, or if it does not comply with the ISO standard, a NAK+A is
Read data from track 2 (or center track) and transmit data to host.
No decoding takes place in the TTPM3.
A one is transmitted as ASCII 1, and a zero as ASCII 0.
After reading the stripe, the ticket is automatically returned to active position waiting for
either an eject-command for a command sequence for printing or encoding (or both)
followed by
for processing of that command string.
3.6.4 Encode
1. Encode a new or modified string on the magnetic stripe. Use any of the magnetic
encoding commands
, or
!K #
depending on what tracks are
available in your printer, and what encoding you want. See page 42.
2. Format the new print using the
command described on page 35.
3. Encode and print the ticket with the
The ticket will be ejected to the operator when correctly encoded and printed. In case of
unsuccessful encoding, the single ticket is cancelled
and a new single-ticket form has to
be inserted into the applicable document entry. A blinking yellow indicator prompts this.
The number of encoding retries, as well as the text to be printed on cancelled tickets, can be set with the !F M command. See
page 40. Cancelled tickets can be redirected to the optional front load waste bin by inserting an } or @ character in the string to
be encoded on the stripe, see page 44.