This is the control panel displayed for controlling PTZ capable
camera systems via the PC-DVR.
Arrow Buttons:
These directional buttons will pan and tilt
the camera when pressed. Their direction is relative to the aim
of the camera, not absolute (i.e. the left button will always
pan the camera left relative to its view, rather than making
the camera point left relative to an observer). Clicking the
arrow once will cause the PTZ system to continue panning/
tilting until the stop button is pressed.
Stop Button:
Will stop the PTZ system from moving. Use
this to stop the camera panning/tilting after one of the arrow
buttons has been used.
Moves the area of the image which is in focus (also
called “Depth of Field”). Use this control to find focus on
objects or scenes which appear to be blurry. If adjusting the
focus has no effect on the sharpness of your image, then
it may be the case that your camera’s lens needs cleaning.
Many entry-level PTZ systems lack a manual focus option,
and will find focus automatically.
The depth of field (the amount of the image which is in focus)
will decrease as you zoom in, and increase as you zoom out.
Also, focus is easier to find when there is a lot of light.
Controls the magnification of the image. Zooming in
will make everything in the image bigger, but will reduce the
field of vision accordingly.
Exposure (Iris):
Controls how much light gets into camera.
An open iris lets in lots of light, whilst a closed iris lets in only
a little bit of light. If large sections of your picture are bright
white (over-exposed) or pitch black (under-exposed) then
adjust the exposure to compensate. Much like the manual
focusing controls, many entry-level PTZ systems will not
have a manual iris control (or, indeed, an iris at all). In these
cases, exposure adjustment is usually automatic, and done
electronically by changing the sensitivity of the image sensor
(commonly called adjusting the ‘gain’).
User Configuration
It may be the case that you wish to control who has access to the
information on your PC recorded or being monitored by the PC-DVR.
You may want certain users to have access to all aspects of the PC-DVR’s
operation, whilst others would be restricted to simply monitoring live
You can set up a list of users, each password protected, with different
users enjoying different access privileges to the PC-DVR.
have access to all functions of the PC-DVR.
Power Users
have access to live monitoring, recorded footage and remote
access - they do not have the access rights to configure the PC-DVR.
have access to live monitoring only.
The process to add a new user is quite straight forward. Simply
click the
button, and the
Add User
window (right) will be
Simply enter the
(again to confirm)
and select their level of access in the
drop-down menu.
You’ll need to be logged in as an Administrator to alter other
user’s access privileges.
The method for editing user’s access privileges is much the same.
button is located immediately to the right of the
P.T.Z. (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) Control
Stop Button
Arrow Buttons
Focus Adjustment
Zoom Adjustment
Exposure (Iris) Adjustment