AMU pH-Redox
Program List and Explanations
A-96.250.441 / 060619
Reset time:
The reset time is the time till the step response of a sin-
gle I-controller will reach the same value as it will be suddenly
reached by a P-controller.
Range: 0–9’000 sec
Derivative time:
The derivative time is the time till the ramp re-
sponse of a single P-controller will reach the same value as it will
be suddenly reached by a D-controller.
Range: 0–9’000 sec
Control timeout:
If a controller action (dosing intensity) is constantly
over 90% during a defined period of time and the process value
does not come closer to the setpoint, the dosing process will be
stopped for safety reasons.
Range: 0–720 min
5.3 Relay Contacts
Alarm Relay:
The alarm relay is used as cumulative error indicator.
Under normal operating conditions the contact is active.
The contact is
inactive at:
Power loss
Detection of system faults like defective sensors or electronic
High case temperature
Process values out of programmed ranges.
Program alarm levels for the following parameters:
Meas. Value
Sample Flow (if a flow sensor is programmed)
Case Temperature high
Case Temperature low
Alarm High:
If the measured value rises above the alarm high val-
ue, the alarm relay is activated and E001, is displayed in the mes-
sage list.
pH sensor
Redox sensor
-3 pH to +15 pH
-500 mV to +1500 mV