limit, high limit, low limit and low low limit of the over-limit alarming signs. Gray indicates no
function of alarming, green indicates no alarming, red/pink indicates alarming.
(11): The display / hidden marks of curves: "√" indicates display of curve, if not, hide the
(12): Operation keys:
Press the" Switch" key to switch to other display screens.
Press the “
〈 〈
Forward" key to recall the data based on the current recalling time from
Press the "
〉 〉
Backward" key to recall the data based on the current recalling time from
Press the “Time scale" key to switch the time scale.
Press the "Preceding group" key to see the curve combinations of the previous group
Press the "Latter group" key to see the curve combination of the latter group.
Press the "Time" to modify the recalling time: "Year -Month -Day Hour - Minute-Second".
4.7 Alarming list screen
It displays the alarming information of channels and output status of the relay, with
maximum 100 pieces of the alarming information being saved, which after the limit is up to, the
new alarming record will cover the earliest alarming record.
: Serial number: The serial number of the alarming is generated and arranged in a time
manner. The closer the occurrence time is, the larger the Serial number is.
: Channel: Generate the input channel number of the alarming.
: Bit number: Generate the bit number corresponding to the input channel of the alarming.
: Alarming time: starting time of the alarming.
: Cancellation of alarming time: stopping of alarming time.
: Alarming type: The alarming symbol of high high limit is "HH", the alarming symbol of
high limit is "H", the alarming symbol of low limit is "L", the alarming symbol of low low limit is