UPER i2DML-8G2/i2DML-iG2
User’s Manual
On the Remote System (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 95,
Windows 2000)
Start -> Programs ->Accesories -> Communications -> HyperTerminal
Set the following parameters:
*Note: To use the function of Console redirection , Please check the
following requirements:
Null Modem Cable - Connect the Remote System and the Host System
(the i2DML motherboard).
On the Host System set the BIOS option
CMOS Setup -> Advanced -> Remote Access Configuration Remote
Set the item: "Remote Access" to "Serial"
Set the item: "Serial Port Number" to COM1 or COM2 used as connection
Set the item: "Serial Port Mode" to the one that matches to the Remote
"115200 8, n, 1", "57600 8, n, 1", "19200 8, n, 1", or "9600 8, n, 1".
Terminal Type
Select the Terminal Type for console redirection. You can set the value for
this option to one of the following: "
", "VT100", "VT100 Plus" or "VT-
Connect using -> Direct to COM port (Select the Com port)
Bits Per Second -> Match to BIOS setting on the Host System
Data bits -> 8
Parity -> n
Stop bits -> 1
Flow Control -> Hardware
Please also be aware the following options, if necessary:
"Function, Arrow, and Ctrl Keys" together will function as-> Terminal
"Backspace keys" functions as -> "Ctrl-H"
For "Emulation" -> select the item "ANSI"
For "Telnet Terminal ID" -> use "ANSI"
d. Because the Function key has been redefined by Hyper Terminal, you
cannot use the Del key to get into the CMOS setup screen. But another
Key: <F4> will bring you into the CMOS screen when memory is counting.