Visual Cues - Battery Icon
If your
SunTech 247
does not have a battery, all segments of the battery icon are lit when the
power supply is connected. If your device has a battery, then the icon indicates the status of
the power supply as follows.
Battery fully charged
Battery is charging (segments animated)
Power-off state
As the charge level drops, the segments will
be turned off in sequence from the right to
the left.
The battery charge is very low. Recharge
before using. (segment flashing)
Visual Cues - Blood Pressure Module
Icons and numeric displays on your device assist you in taking quick and accurate readings.
The systolic BP, read in mmHg, displays
immediately below this symbol.
The diastolic BP, read in mmHg, displays
immediately below this symbol.
Unit of measurement for SYS, DIA, and MAP
Pulse rate, in beats per minute, displays
immediately below this symbol.