Sun Microelectronics
UltraSPARC User’s Manual
Requiring that software include MEMBARs around loads and stores that can
cause misses and block stores to the same line.
UltraSPARC blocks the issue of instruction fetch miss requests (P_RDSA_REQ)
while there are outstanding block stores; it also inhibits issuing block stores while
there are outstanding instruction fetch miss requests. Otherwise, the IVA bit sent
with a P_WRI_REQ might not be set when it should be, because a subsequent co-
herent miss to the same address might complete first.
Systems with Dtags ignore the IVA bit, so this is not an issue.
This hazard occurs only in uniprocessor systems without Dtags. In
system with Dtags, the requirement for an S_INV_REQ is determined by Dtag
lookup. Since processors must work in both systems, however, they must not
issue P_WRI_REQ for the same block address as an already outstanding
P_RD*_REQ, and not issue any P_RD*_REQ for the same block address as an
already outstanding P_WRI_REQ, until the S_REPLY for the outstanding
transaction is received.
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