Sun Microelectronics
Textual Conventions
This book uses the same textual conventions as The SPARC Architecture Manual,
Version 9. They are summarized here for convenience.
Fonts are used as follows:
Italic font is used for register names, instruction fields, and read-only register
font is used for literals and software examples.
font is used for emphasis.
UPPER CASE items are acronyms, instruction names, or writable register
Italic sans serif
font is used for exception and trap names.
Underbar characters (_) join words in register, register field, exception, and
trap names. Such words can be split across lines at the underbar without an
intervening hyphen.
The following notational conventions are used:
Square brackets ‘[ ]’ indicate a numbered register in a register file.
Angle brackets ‘< >’ indicate a bit number or colon-separated range of bit
numbers within a field.
Curly braces ‘{ }’ are used to indicate textual substitution.
symbol designates concatenation of bit vectors. A comma ‘,’ on the left
side of an assignment separates quantities that are concatenated for the
purpose of assignment.
This manual has the following organization.
Section I, “Introducing UltraSPARC,”presents an overview of the UltraSPARC ar-
chitecture. Section I contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “UltraSPARC Basics,” describes the architecture in general terms
and introduces its components.
Chapter 2, “Processor Pipeline,” describes UltraSPARC’s 9-stage pipeline.
Chapter 3, “Cache Organization,” describes the UltraSPARC caches.
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