Chapter 8
Troubleshooting the Sun StorEdge T3+ Array Devices
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
FRU Tests Available for the T1 or T2 Data Path FRU
Running the tests from the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment GUI guides
you in discovering the failed FRU. Refer to Chapter 5 of the Storage Automated
Diagnostic Environment User’s Guide for instructions on how to run tests.
Run the
to test the switches.
Run the
to test the T1 or T2 connections.
After a test has completed its run, an email message similar to the message in
is sent to the specified email recipient.
Example Link Test Text Output from the Storage Automated Diagnostic
running on
linktest started on FC interconnect: switch to switch
switchtest started on switch 100000c0dd00b682 port 8
Estimated test time 14 minute(s)
01/30/02 11:21:26 diag209 Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment: MSGID
6013 switchtest.FATAL
switch0: "Device: Switch Port: 8 is Offline"
switchtest failed
Remove FC Cable from switch: 100000c0dd00b682, port: 8
Insert FC loopback cable into switch: 100000c0dd00b682, port: 8
Continue Isolation ?
switchtest started on switch 100000c0dd00b682 port 8
Estimated test time 14 minute(s)
01/30/02 11:22:11 diag209 Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment: MSGID
6013 switchtest.FATAL
switch0: "Device: Switch Port: 8 is Offline"
switchtest failed
Remove FC loopback cable from switch: 100000c0dd00b682, port: 8
Insert a NEW FC GBIC into switch: 100000c0dd00b682, port: 8
Insert FC loopback cable into switch: 100000c0dd00b682, port: 8
Continue Isolation ?
switchtest started on switch 100000c0dd00b682 port 8
Estimated test time 14 minute(s)
01/30/02 11:25:12 diag209 Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment: MSGID
4001 switchtest.WARNING
switch0: "Maximum transfer size for a FABRIC port is 200. Changing transfer
size 2000 to 200"
switchtest completed successfully
Remove FC loopback cable from switch: 100000c0dd00b682, port: 8
Restore ORIGINAL FC Cable into switch: 100000c0dd00b682, port: 8
Suspect ORIGINAL FC GBIC in switch: 100000c0dd00b682, port: 8
Retest to verify FRU replacement.
linktest completed on FC interconnect: switch to switch