Each material spool has an axle with a memory chip; this memory chip recognizes the spool’s material type and
tracks the spool’s volume. The F123 Series utilizes a different memory chip than other Stratasys materials and
as a result, only F123 Series compatible spools can be used to build parts on the printer.
When a spool is installed, its memory chip is read and the spool’s information is reported to the printer. The
spool’s material type and volume are displayed within the Materials page of the User Interface. If a non-
compatible spool is installed an error will be displayed on the User Interface.
Each build file contains an estimate of the amount of model and support material required to complete the build.
When initiating a build, this estimate is compared to the amount of material available on each spool. If there is
not enough material available to complete the build, you will be warned and given the option to change spools or
install additional spools before starting the build.
Memory Chip
Filament Tail Capture
Filament Guide