StorageWorks Wide Expansion Storage Pedestal
Order Number: EK–SMCPC–UG. A01
2.5 Pedestal Power-on Test
Care must be taken when spinning up the drives not to ex-
ceed the current capacity of the power supply. It is recom-
mended that the devices spin-up sequentially.
The pedestal SBB LED indicators quickly flash on and off in
the following test. Before powering on the pedestal, read
through the procedure to locate the LEDs (Figures 2–7
and 2–8), then familiarize yourself with the normal power-
on sequence. You may power the pedestal on and off to re-
check the power-on test if necessary.
1. Verify that the ac power switch on the ac distribution unit (bottom module in the
pedestal) is in the off position.
2. Verify that the ac input power and the SCSI cable connections between the pedestal
and the host are firmly seated and secure.
3. Turn on the ac power switch on the ac distribution unit and verify the following for
each supply:
The right LED indicator on all of the power supply SBBs (Figure 2–7) lights
first, then both LEDs on the supply remain on.
All drive SBB activity LEDs (Figure 2–8) initially flash on and then go off.
If the drive SBB fault LEDs remain on, this may not necessar-
ily represent a fault condition. It may be necessary to wait until
the SBBs have been initialized by the host software.
Figure 2–7 Power Supply SBB LEDs