Stonex S9III Plus GNSS Receiver – User Manual
from GPS observations. The time delay to be wait before switching on for base
transmission must be inserted in the Text box “Delay“. You can also specify a
maximum PDOP allowed for starting base transmission in “PDOP Threshold”
and a name for base site in “Site Name”. If the box “Automatic Startup” is
active, when the conditions are fulfilled base will start to transmit without
waiting for a field software command.
Fig. 5.9
Startup By Single Position
Click “OK” to confirm your data entry.
Startup By a Specific Position:
By choosing the “Startup by Specific Position” it is possible to introduce
directly the geographical coordinates of the base (Known point). In mode box
(red arrow 1) you can select different format of geographical coordinates. You
can insert also geocentric coordinates X,Y,Z by changing option in the box
“Coordinate system” (red arrow 2).