10 | Appendix
02/2020 | ID 443025.06
EMCY message – Incorrect state transitions: Error codes
Error code
A000 hex
Incorrect transition from pre-operational to safe-operational state
A001 hex
Incorrect transition from safe-operational to pre-operational state
Tab. 15: EMCY – Transition error codes
Error register specifies the state of the EtherCAT State Machine at the time of the EMCY sending.
Error register
State – EtherCAT state machine
1 hex
2 hex
3 hex
4 hex
Tab. 16: EMCY – Error codes for states of the EtherCAT State Machine
Diag code provides information about the cause of the error.
Diag code
0 hex
SyncManager at address that is not permitted
SyncManager 0
(write mailbox data from frame
in mailbox)
1 hex
SyncManager at address that is not permitted
0 hex
PDO length not correct
0 hex
SyncManager parameterized incorrectly
0 hex
SyncManager at address that is not permitted
SyncManager 1
(write mailbox data from
mailbox to frame)
0 hex
SyncManager at address that is not permitted
0 hex
PDO length not correct
0 hex
SyncManager parameterized incorrectly
0 hex
SyncManager at address that is not permitted
SyncManager 2
(write process data from frame
in process data memory)
0 hex
SyncManager at address that is not permitted
A hex
PDO length not correct
B hex
SyncManager parameterized incorrectly
C hex
SyncManager at address that is not permitted
SyncManager 3
(write process data to frame
from process data memory)
D hex
SyncManager at address that is not permitted
E hex
PDO length not correct
F hex
SyncManager parameterized incorrectly
Tab. 17: EMCY – Diag codes for the cause of error