10 | Appendix
02/2020 | ID 443025.06
1A02 hex
3rd TxPDO mapping parameter
1A02 hex
0 hex
Number of mapped application
objects in TxPDO
Constant value of 24
1A02 hex
1 hex – 24 hex
Application objects
A235[0] - A235[23]
1A03 hex
4th TxPDO mapping parameter
1A03 hex
0 hex
Number of mapped application
objects in TxPDO
Constant value of 24
1A03 hex
1 hex – 24 hex
Application objects
A236[0] - A236[23]
1C00 hex
Sync manager communication
1C00 hex
0 hex
Highest subindex supported
Constant value of 4
1C00 hex
1 hex
Communication type sync
manager 0
1C00 hex
2 hex
Communication type sync
manager 1
1C00 hex
3 hex
Communication type sync
manager 2
1C00 hex
4 hex
Communication type sync
manager 3
1C12 hex
Sync manager 2
1C12 hex
0 hex
Highest subindex supported
Constant value of 4
1C12 hex
1 hex
PDO receive assign 1st PDO
1C12 hex
2 hex
PDO receive assign 2nd PDO
1C12 hex
3 hex
PDO receive assign 3rd PDO
1C12 hex
4 hex
PDO receive assign 4th PDO
1C13 hex
Sync manager 3
1C13 hex
0 hex
Highest subindex supported
Constant value of 4
1C13 hex
1 hex
PDO transmit assign 1st PDO
1C13 hex
2 hex
PDO transmit assign 2nd PDO
1C13 hex
3 hex
PDO transmit assign 3rd PDO
1C13 hex
4 hex
PDO transmit assign 4th PDO
Tab. 8: CiA 301 communication objects: 1000 hex – 1FFFF hex