10 | Appendix
02/2020 | ID 443025.06
ETG.5000.1 Modular Device Profile: F000 hex – FFFF hex
The following table includes the supported communication objects of the standardized profile ETG.5000.1 Modular Device
F050 hex
Detected module ident list
Constant value of 2
F050 hex
0 hex
Highest subindex supported
F050 hex
1 hex
Module ident axis A
F050 hex
2 hex
Module ident axis B
Tab. 13: ETG.5000.1 communication objects: F000 hex – FFFF hex
SDO transmission: Error codes
If an SDO frame cannot be processed, the slave sends an SDO Abort Domain Transfer and outputs one of the following
errors ─ along with the error class, error code and additional information ─ over the Abort SDO Transfer Protocol in case of
an error.
5 hex
3 hex
0 hex
Toggle bit not changed
5 hex
4 hex
0 hex
SDO protocol timeout expired
5 hex
4 hex
1 hex
SDO command specifier invalid or unknown
5 hex
4 hex
5 hex
Memory not sufficient
6 hex
1 hex
0 hex
Access to object is not supported
6 hex
1 hex
1 hex
Read attempt on a write-only parameter
6 hex
1 hex
2 hex
Write attempt on a read-only parameter
6 hex
2 hex
0 hex
Object not present in the object directory
6 hex
4 hex
41 hex
Object cannot be mapped to PDO
6 hex
4 hex
42 hex
Number and/or length of the object to be transmitted exceeds PDO length
6 hex
4 hex
43 hex
General parameter incompatibility
6 hex
4 hex
47 hex
General internal device incompatibility
6 hex
6 hex
0 hex
Access terminated due to hardware error
6 hex
7 hex
10 hex
Incorrect data type or parameter length
6 hex
7 hex
12 hex
Incorrect data type or parameter length too long
6 hex
7 hex
13 hex
Incorrect data type or parameter length too short
6 hex
9 hex
11 hex
Subindex not available
6 hex
9 hex
30 hex
Invalid parameter value (write process)
6 hex
9 hex
31 hex
Parameter value too large
6 hex
9 hex
32 hex
Parameter value too small
6 hex
9 hex
36 hex
Maximum value is less than minimum value
8 hex
0 hex
0 hex
General SDO error
8 hex
0 hex
20 hex
Access not possible
8 hex
0 hex
21 hex
Access not possible due to local controller
8 hex
0 hex
22 hex
Access not possible in current device state
8 hex
0 hex
23 hex
Dynamic generation of the object directory failed or no object directory available
Tab. 14: SDO – Error codes