7 | Commissioning
02/2020 | ID 443025.06
Are you looking to operate several drive controllers using the MC6 motion controller, or operate a controller from Beckhoff
Automation GmbH & Co. KG over an EtherCAT network?
The following chapters cover the associated commissioning tasks using the DriveControlSuite commissioning software in
combination with the AutomationControlSuite development environment as well as TwinCAT 3 from Beckhoff.
We put forward the following system environment as an example so that you can follow the individual commissioning steps
Drive controllers from the SC6 or SI6 series with firmware version 6.4-E or later
DriveControlSuite commissioning software in version 6.4-E or later
either in combination with
MC6 motion controllers
AutomationControlSuite development environment in version or later
or in combination with
Beckhoff CX2030 embedded PC
Beckhoff TwinCAT 3 automation software, version 3.1.40022.0
Commissioning is divided into the following steps:
Project all of the drive controllers, i.e. application type, device control systems, process data for fieldbus
communication and mechanical axis model in DriveControlSuite.
Depending on the selected application (
CiA 402
CiA 402 HiRes Motion
), scale your axis models on the drive
controller side or the controller side.
In both cases, transfer your project configuration to the drive controllers of the system network.
AutomationControlSuite or TwinCAT 3
Scale your axis model if necessary and then map your entire hardware environment in the respective software.
Synchronize the operation of the distributed clocks in all EtherCAT nodes and configure the communication of
individual nodes over the EoE protocol.
Finally, transfer the entire configuration to the motion controller or to the controller and then start up your EtherCAT