5 | System configuration
02/2019 | ID 442728.05
System configuration
The multi-axis drive system consists of at least one PS6 supply module and one SI6 drive
controller. For the energy supply of the existing drive controllers in the group, you need suitable
Quick DC-Link modules for the DC link connection for each supply module and for each drive
For connecting the drive controller to a higher-level controller, we recommend the EtherCAT
fieldbus as well as an application with a CiA 402 interface. You can put the drive controllers into
operation with the DriveControlSuite software.
The drive controllers offer the STO safety function in accordance with EN 61800-5-2 as an
option. For connection to a higher-level safety circuit, different interfaces are available.
The following graphic explains the principle system configuration.
MC6 motion controller
Field bus
1 x PS6 supply module
3 x SI6 drive controllers
Command level
Controller level
Field level
Actuator/sensor level,
Synchronous servo motors,
LM synchronous motors or
asynchronous motors
Fig. 1: System overview for the multi-axis drive system with SI6 and PS6