11 | Commissioning
02/2019 | ID 442728.05
Then activate the brake.
1. Highlight the relevant drive controller in the project tree and click on the first projected axis
in the project menu >
2. Select the
3. F00 Brake:
Select 1: Active.
4. Repeat the steps for the 2nd axis (only for double-axis controllers).
Parameterizing the axis model
Parameterize the setup of your drive in this order:
Define the axis model
Scale the axis
Limit the axis (optional)
• Limit the position
• Limit the velocity, acceleration and jerk
• Limit the torque and force
Define the axis model
1. Highlight the relevant drive controller in the project tree and click on the first projected axis
in the project menu >
2. Select the
Axis model
3. I05 Type of axis:
In order to configure the units of measure and the number of decimal places individually for
specifying and displaying position reference values, velocities and accelerations, select 0:
User defined, rotational or 1: User defined, translational.
If the units of measures and the number of decimal places for specifying and displaying
position reference values, velocities and accelerations are to be fixed, select 2: Rotational
or 3: Translational.
4. B26 Motor encoder:
Define the interface to which the motor encoder is connected.
5. I02 Position encoder:
Define the interface to which the position encoder is connected.
6. I00 Position range:
Define the travel range.