11. Locate the 3/32” balsa part F11 and note the etch mark illustrated in the photo below. We need to glue the
1/16” ply tail gear mount F14 atop F11. To do this align the leading edge of F14 to the etch mark in F11, center
the part F14 to F11 and glue into position. F14 will NOT extend all the way to the aft end of F11. Use the
photos below and the plan sheet as a reference. Should you choose not to make the steerable tail gear
assembly you may mount almost any tail gear to this ply re-enforced area of the SQuiRT fuselage.
12. Next, fit the 1/8” balsa part F10 to the aft end of the fuselage as indicated in the photo below.
13. Use the 3/32” balsa assembly of parts F11 and F14 from the previous step. Key to the fuselage as indicated in
the photo below with the ply doubler F14 on the
of the fuselage. Once satisfied with the fit, square the
assembly to your work table and secure with thin CA glue.
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