17. Assemble the battery hatch from the 3/32” balsa parts H1 and H2. Note that H1 is etched with the outside
shape of H2 to aide in aligning the parts. With H1 and H2 assembled as indicated in the first photo move on to
installing the magnetic catch magnet and forward catch(1/16” balsa part H3).
Tip! Check the magnet polarity
prior to installing within the hatch. Magnets will repel each other if they are reversed! Also, make
certain you install your magnet in the hole that matches the magnet installed within the fuselage
18. Now locate the F14a, F14b, and F14c balsa sheeting and sheet the nose of the aircraft starting from the leading
edge of L2 following the recess between created by the inner plywood core and the fuselage sides as indicated
in the photos below.
19. You’ll notice that the upper deck slightly overhangs the front of the windshield. Using a medium grit sand paper
and your sanding block sand off the overhang as indicated in the photos below.
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