Locate the 3/32” balsa part F8 and install to the front of the cabin spanning the fuselage sides and F7 as
indicated in the photo below. Tip! F7 is recessed to receive F8; align the top of F8 with the upper recess in F7.
Next add the second 1/16” ply motor mount doubler F1b atop F1.
Now locate the 3/32” balsa part F9 and the 1/8” balsa part F6. Dry fit F9 to the top of the fuselage, next fit the
former F6 to the fuselage and part F9. Invert the fuselage on your work surface, square, and retain parts with
thin CA glue.
10. Locate the 1/16” Plywood servo tray and glue inside the fuselage as indicated in the photos below. Next locate
the 3/32” balsa cross grain doubler for the rear wing dowel, marked F13, and install this directly behind former
F5 matching the 3/16” holes in the doubler with those in the fuselage side.
4.5" Dowel (Gear Lug)
Install F13 cross-grain doubler behind
former F5 on the INSIDE of the fuselage
assembly. Match the
" holes in F13 to
those in the fuselage side. Do this after
installing F9 but prior to installing F11.
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