Kit Contents
Rolled Computer Drawn Plan Sheet
Illustrated Instruction Manual
Laser Cut Balsa and Hardwood Parts Sheets (See Cut Parts Inventory Sheet)
4. Included
2 - 3/16” x 4.5” hardwood dowel.
3 - 1/8” x 24” hardwood dowel.
1 - 1/4” x 4.5” hardwood dowel.
1 - Bag #64 Rubber Bands (10).
2 - 3/16” x 1/16” Neo. Magnet (for battery hatch closure)
2 - 1/8” Star Lock Washer
2 - 1/16” x 11” Push Rods.
1 - 1/16” x 11” Wire
1 - 1/8” Pre formed spring steel landing gear.
1 - Pair of 3” Foam Wheels
1 - Sullivan ¾” Tail Wheel
1 - Du-bro121 E-Z Connectors (2/Pkg.)
1 - Aluminum Tube 3/32” x 6”
Recommended Finishing Items
Two rolls of AeroFILM covering available from www.stevensaero.com
Suggested Electronics:
Your SQuiRT 700 will operate well on a 3-4 Channel Transmitter.
2 - Hitec HS-81 Servos (use of HS-81 servos will negate the need for two 6” servo extensions)
2 - 6” Servo Extension (Only required if you do not use the suggested HS-81 Servos)
1 - Receiver 3-4 Channel
1 - 30A ESC we suggest the Castle Creations Pegasus 35P.
1 - Speed 600 Clam Shell Motor Mount*
1 - 5.0mm Prop Shaft Adapter*
1 - APC 10x5 E Prop
1 - Graupner Speed 700 Motor*
1 - 9-10 NIMH or 3S1P 11.1v Apogee LiPo 2480mAh (or any other 11.1v lipo capable of 25A Continuous).
*Included with PS kits. Available as a stand alone motor kit from Stevens AeroModel www.stevensaero.com
Brushless Motor Upgrades: NONE Suggested.
Items You May Need:
Thin CA (super glue) or White Glue
Plan/Table Protector (use the bag that this kit came in to protect your work surface from CA glue spills)
Med-Fine Grit Sand Paper and sanding block
Balsa Wood Filler
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