Lets begin construction by assembling the fuselage core. Locate the following 1/8” Lite Plywood parts marked
F2, F3a, F3b, and F4. Dry fit (no glue) the assembly together as indicated in the photo below. Please note that
F2 and F4 have forward designations these parts are etched with the word “FRONT” do make certain to
assemble these parts with “FRONT” facing the nose of the model. Tip! If a part does not fit properly check the
forward orientation.
Locate the 1/8” Lite Plywood part F1 and dry fit to the core as indicated in the photo below. Make certain that
the entire assembly fits together without any gaps; check for square then glue parts together by wicking thin CA
glue into adjoining surfaces.
4. Invert the core assembly and add the 1/16” plywood motor mount doubler F1a to the inside of the core
assembly as pictured below.
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