18. Finish off the wing by filling any imperfections or gaps with balsa wood filler or a lightweight spackling
compound then loading a fine grit (400) sand paper on your sanding block and lightly sand smooth the entire
Covering the model
1. A complete guide to covering using AeroFILM and AeroFILM Lite is available for download from
. Download this document and use it as a guide for covering the SQuiRT. No surprises
here just follow the directions and work slowly remember any imperfections will need to be sanded smooth as
the covering will expose every bump or drip of CA glue.
A template has been provided on the plan sheet for cutting out a wind screen decal. We typically cut this from
black adhesive backed AeroTRIM or AeroFILM.
Final Assembly
For a detailed final assembly guide for the SQuiRT please visit
piece of covering from the center section of the elevator assembly and remove covering from the
alignment hole in the horizontal stab to allow the vertical to key into these parts. The tabs in the top of the
horizontal stab and the fuselage top/bottom align the vertical stab. The vertical also centers the horizontal
stab. Dry fit these parts then wick thin ca around joints to lock into position.
Poke two small holes in the covering at each wing retention dowel point and at the install point for the
3/16” landing gear lug dowel. Reference the plan sheet for more detail.
Hinge your rudder and elevator to the vertical and horizontal stabilizers respectively using clear scotch
Install the plywood control horns to the rudder and elevator.
Install the motor using a clam shell mount for speed 600 motors. More details are found in this manual
under fuselage assembly.
Install your servos (HS-81’s) and connect the rudder/elevator linkage to the servos using the supplied Du-
Bro 121 EZ-Links. Refer to the plan sheet as a guide.
Use the plan sheet to create and install the steerable tail gear assembly.
Mount the supplied 3” wheels to the landing gear and retain by sliding the 1/8” star washers over the wire
gear assembly.
Set the main gear into the groove created by L1 and L2 then wrap one #64 rubber band around each gear
leg and over the gear lug 3-4 wraps seems to be sufficient. More wraps increase your spring gear
resistance to movement.
10. Mount and connect your radio to your esc and servos.
11. Attach the upper wing to the fuselage using no more than four (two per side) #64 rubber bands.
Remember more rubber bands increases the tension on the wing and will make it more likely to break in a
12. Test your radio setup for function and proceed on to first flight.
© 2005 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.