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OK - - - NOW WHAT?
(Sage advice from Jim Streible, K4DLI—SteppIR Technical Support Guru)
5. Take the controller and power supply out of their wrappings and connect them. The controller does
not have to be connected to the antenna in order to familiarize yourself with it. In fact, it is best to
get familiar with the controller when it is not connected to the antenna. Turn on the controller and
read through the Operators Manual again while operating the controller in all it modes. Go through
the menus so you know what each does and how to navigate through the various menus and func-
6. When you have finished working with the controller be sure the display indicates “Elements Home”
and the controller has been turned OFF. When the controller is connected to the antenna and the
controller is turned back on the next time, it will immediately tune to whatever position the con-
troller was left in last time you were using it, so you want to be sure that position is HOME.
7. Once the antenna is completely assembled and ready to mount on the antenna tower, use an an-
tenna analyzer, if you have one, to test resonance of the antenna.. If you don’t have an analyzer,
try to borrow one. It will save you a lot of time and worry. Check the antenna on each band for
some sign of resonance within the frequency range. Leave the antenna on the default frequency
and tune the analyzer to see where the dip occurs. It will be somewhere below the lower band
edge on each band with the antenna 3 or 4 feet above the ground on sawhorses. Also, don’t ex-
pect to see a 1:1 SWR here, just look for a good indication of resonance.
Once it has been determined this part of the antenna is working correctly do the following: Select
the lowest band and establish the dip condition by tuning the analyzer. Do not touch the analyzer
again. Retract the elements and then reselect the same band. The antenna should come back the
very near the same setting. Do this 2 or 3 times on each band. Also, try going from the band being
tested to any other band and back again and observe that the antenna comes back to the same
resonant point. Now you know the antenna is tuning correctly from band to band and is consistent.
8. When you are ready to use the antenna, be sure to “enable” the DB42 in the controller menu, or
your antenna will not work properly on 40m and 30m. If you purchased the 6m option, be sure to
enable that in the “options” menu of the controller. When done enabling, save and then turn the
controller off, and back on again.
9. Enjoy the antenna!
Jim Streible—K4DLI