Tech Support:
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Page 7
OK - - - NOW WHAT?
(Sage advice from Jim Streible, K4DLI—SteppIR Technical Support Guru)
You have ordered you SteppIR Antenna and are
waiting for delivery. What do you do in the meantime?
1. Go to the SteppIR web site at and download the latest manual for your antenna,
and also the Operators Manual for the controller.
2. Read the manuals from cover-to-cover ---TWICE! Don’t just read them –Study them, so you are
familiar the terminology used about the antennas and have a good idea of how the antenna is as-
sembled and where the various parts go.
3. As you go through the manuals make notes of any instructions you may not clearly understand,
then call or email for clarifications. It is better to have it all sorted out before you start assembly.
We don’t mind answering your questions beforehand.
4. Now, wait for notification your antenna is being shipped.
Your antenna has arrived!
What is the first thing to do?
1. If the antennas is to arrive on Wednesday----DO NOT plan an antenna party for Saturday
2. Even if you plan to install the antenna weeks later, the first thing to do is to unpack the antenna
and do a complete inspection. Make sure nothing is missing or has been damaged in shipment.
3. Do a complete inventory of every part, nut and bolt. Yes it takes time, but it also allows you to noti-
fy SteppIR if anything is missing and allow time to get it to you before you start assembly of the
antenna. There is nothing more frustrating than realizing that something is missing, just hours be-
fore you want to install the antenna.
4. Go back to the SteppIR website and download the latest manual. SteppIR constantly is improving
and adding to the manual, so even though your paper instruction manual is going to have all the
data you need, it makes sense to check for the latest updates online. This is especially true If you
purchased the antenna and a period of time has passed between arrival and install dates.