Flight Manual STEMME S6
Doc.-No.:P400-006.000 E
Page: 3-37
Revision: ---
Date of Issue: 07. October 2008
Agency approved
Date of Rev.: --.--.----
If the propeller-pitch can NOT be controlled by setting the Constant-Speed-
Control to AUTO or to MANU - or when set to MANU the propeller-pitch or the
RPM changes without command, the Constant-Speed-Control failed totally. The
Constant-Speed-Control must be deactivated:
Activate the circuit-breaker of the Constant-Speed-Control (Prop
Control MAP and RPM with the THROTTLE to stay within the allowed
range. MAP and RPM can only be controlled combined. The A/C
behaves like having a fixed-pitch-propeller. Range and cruise-speed
can be significantly reduced, because propeller and engine are not
working under proper conditions.
Before LANDING - CHECK at 115 km/h / 62 kts airspeed if the Start-
RPM is reached when executing a carefully THROTTLE UP. Avoid
exceeding the maximum allowed RPM.
- If the Start-RPM is reached the propeller is near the START-pitch.
Landing can be executed normally.
- If the Start-RPM is NOT reached the propeller is near the CRUISE-
pitch, the pitch is too high for Take-Off and Landing. Reduced
performance and rate-of-climb must be expected in the case of a go-
Cruise-flight with propeller in the take-off-position will reduce
the airspeed and shorten the range (revise flight-plan if
necessary!). During cruise with propeller in fixed take-off-
position even in low altitudes the engines-RPM may be too
high, even with power-settings below 100%. REDUCE
throttle, to reduce engine-RPM below 5500 RPM (maximum
continuous RPM).