Flight Manual STEMME S6
Doc.-No: P400-006.000 E
Page: 6-5
Revision: ---
Date of Issue: 07. October 2008
Date of Rev.: --.--.----
6.3 Empty-Mass and CG-Location ______________________
The current empty mass and empty-CG-location must be documented
chronologically in a report of empty-mass and CG-location (section 6.3.1).
Every change in the empty-mass or empty-CG-location (which might be caused
by changes in equipment, repainting, repairs or similar) must be documented in
this report.
If the cause of the changes is precisely known (mass and lever must be known;
for example, when changes in equipment are made), then new empty-mass and
empty-CG-location can be determined through calculations. If the cause of the
changes is NOT precisely known (For example, when making repairs), the
aircraft must be weighted again.
Logsheet for Report of Empty-Mass and CG-Location
The following logsheet describes the chronological changes in the aircraft’s
empty mass and CG-location. (The logsheet can be reused for subsequent
reports.) These changes might be caused by changes in equipment and / or
structural parts (for example: repairs). All levers refer to the reference plane
(RP). (behind RP: positive lever, in front of RP: negative lever).
The first entries are the values determined during the pre-delivery-inspection.